Board Policies

This Policy is under review.

9110 - Parental Access to Educational Practices

Last Updated Date: 01/11/2024

Adoption Date: 08/14/1995

Revision History: 08/14/1995, 05/12/2005, 06/14/2007, 06/11/2013, 05/14/2015, 05/12/2016, 05/11/2017, 06/13/2019, 07/09/2020, 06/09/2022, 06/08/2023, 01/11/2024

Grand Island Public Schools will support and facilitate parental access to information and involvement in educational practices affecting their children. It shall be the policy of the Grand Island Public Schools to provide full access at reasonable times to parents/guardians of students to review curricular materials, student records, and surveys as appropriate and lawful:

  • Textbooks and other curricular materials are available for review by parents of students of the Grand Island Public Schools upon request.
  • Upon prior approval from the appropriate teacher, counselor, or administrator, parents/guardians will be permitted to attend and monitor courses, assemblies, counseling sessions, and other instructional activities as long as conduct or presence does not interfere with the educational process or otherwise conflict with school purposes.
  • Students will be excused from testing, instructional activities, and other school experiences upon written parental request unless the test or activity is required for local, state, or national accountability or reporting purposes (9110.2 Request for Exception/Exclusion Form).
  • A student may be excused from an activity which contributes to a grade for the course, only when an alternative activity can be reasonably provided. Requests must be received by the appropriate teacher or administrator within a reasonable time prior to the activity in question.
  • Parents/guardians will have access to student records as appropriate (Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. 1232 G, 79-4,157 R.R.S. and School District of Grand Island Policy: 8710–Student Personnel Files And Records).
  • Student testing will be utilized to assist in assessment of educational progress and as required by Title 92, NAC, Chapter 10.
  • Students may be asked to participate in surveys from time to time as deemed appropriate by district staff. Parents/guardians may remove their students from such surveys with prior written request, citing specific activity, reason for the request, and any applicable regulations. (Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) 20 U.S.C. § 1232h, 34 CFR Part 98)

Grand Island Public Schools shall make provision to include parents in program planning; information dissemination; school improvement plan development, implementation, and evaluation; and with Title I parental involvement activities as specified by Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (9110.1 Guidelines).

9110.1 Title I Parent and Family Member Engagement

Title I, Part A, of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), as reauthorized by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), requires that local educational agencies (LEAs), conduct outreach to all parents and family members and implement programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of parents and family members. Such programs, activities, and procedures shall be planned and implemented with meaningful consultation with parents of participating children (ESSA Section 1116[a][1]). For the purpose of this policy “parents and family members” means “parents and persons in a parental relation to the student.” This Policy will be distributed to all parents annually, in a language that parents can understand. The Grand Island Public School District recognizes the unique needs of students who are being served through the Title I Program and stresses the importance of parent and family member involvement in the academic success of their children. Opportunities will be provided for parent and family member involvement in their child's education in the following manner: 

1. Parents and family members will be involved in the planning, review, development and approval of the Parent and Family Member Engagement Policy through at least one annual meeting held at a convenient time during the first semester. 


2. The District will strive to build the capacity for strong engagement of the school, parents and family members by developing School/Parent Compacts to strengthen communication between the home and school:  

  • By providing annual meetings in Title I buildings to explain Title I to parents and family members;  
  • By training parents and family members in how to help their children at home;  
  • By sharing district standards, benchmarks, and assessments to parents and family members and explaining to them how to help monitor the progress of their children; and
  • By providing parent and family member resources at each site. 


3. Parents and family members will be provided timely information regarding the District’s curriculum, academic assessments used, and proficiency levels expected of all students through the student handbook, parent/teacher conferences, report cards and progress reports along with other communications opportunities. 


4. Parents and family members will be provided opportunities to participate, as appropriate, in decisions relating to the education of their children regarding such matters as curriculum, assessments and student performance standards through the School Improvement Plan, Title I reviews and plans, and other means as available. 


5. The District will coordinate and integrate parent and family member engagement programs and activities with other community programs such as Head Start, Title III and Migrant programs, public libraries, public preschools, instructional support services and other federal, state and local programs. 


6. Parents and family members will be provided assistance, opportunities, and/or materials to build their capacity for strong parent and family member engagement and help them understand the topics relating to their child's academic achievement. This will be done in a language they can understand including participation of parents and family members with limited English proficiency, parents and family members with disabilities, and parents and family members of migratory children. 


7. The District will conduct an annual evaluation by written survey, telephone survey, or in person, of the content and effectiveness of the Title I Parent and Family Member Engagement Policy and its procedural elements. The survey will be used by the District to guide implementation of the Title I program, to determine if needs are being met, and reduce barriers to participation.



Título I, Parte A, de la Ley de Educación Primaria y Secundaria (ESEA), según lo reautorizado por la Ley Cada Estudiante Triunfa (ESSA), requiere que las agencias educativas locales (LEA) lleven a cabo actividades de extensión a todos los padres y miembros de la familia e implementen programas, actividades y procedimientos para la participación de padres y familiares. Dichos programas, actividades y procedimientos se planificarán e implementarán consultando significativamente con los padres de los niños participantes. (ESSA Sección 1116[a][1]). A los efectos de esta política, "padres y familiares" significa "padres y personas en una relación parental con el estudiante". Esta Política se distribuirá a todos los padres anualmente, en un idioma que los padres puedan entender. El Distrito de Escuelas Públicas de Grand Island reconoce las necesidades únicas de los estudiantes que reciben servicios a través del Programa Título I y enfatiza la importancia de la participación de los padres y familiares en el éxito académico de sus hijos. Se brindarán oportunidades para que los padres y miembros de la familia participen en la educación de sus hijos de la siguiente manera:


1. Los padres y familiares participarán en la planificación, revisión, desarrollo y aprobación de la Política de participación de padres y familiares a través de al menos una reunión anual que se llevará a cabo en un momento conveniente durante el primer semestre.


2. El Distrito se esforzará por desarrollar la capacidad para una fuerte participación de la escuela, los padres y los miembros de la familia mediante el desarrollo de Pactos entre la escuela y los padres para fortalecer la comunicación entre el hogar y la escuela:  

  • Proporcionando reuniones anuales en edificios de Título I para explicar el Título I a los padres y miembros de la familia;
  • Capacitando a los padres y familiares sobre cómo ayudar a sus hijos en el hogar;
  • Compartiendo los estándares, puntos de referencia y evaluaciones del distrito con los padres y miembros de la familia y explicándoles cómo ayudar a monitorear el progreso de sus hijos; y
  • Proporcionando centros de recursos para padres y familiares en cada sitio.


3. Los padres y miembros de la familia recibirán información oportuna sobre el plan de estudios del Distrito, las evaluaciones académicas utilizadas y los niveles de competencia esperados de todos los estudiantes a través del manual del estudiante, conferencias de padres y maestros, boletas de calificaciones e informes de progreso junto con otras oportunidades de comunicación. 


4. A los padres y miembros de la familia se les brindarán oportunidades para participar, según corresponda, en decisiones relacionadas con la educación de sus hijos con respecto a asuntos tales como currículo, evaluaciones y estándares de desempeño estudiantil a través del Plan de Mejoramiento Escolar, revisiones y planes del Título I, y otros medios disponibles. 


5. El Distrito coordinará e integrará programas y actividades de participación de padres y miembros de la familia con otros programas comunitarios como Head Start, Título III y programas para migrantes, bibliotecas públicas, pre-escuelas públicas, servicios de apoyo educativo y otros programas federales, estatales y locales. 


6. Los padres y familiares recibirán asistencia, oportunidades y/o materiales para desarrollar su capacidad para una fuerte participación de padres y familiares y ayudarlos a comprender los temas relacionados con el rendimiento académico de sus hijos. Esto se hará en un idioma que puedan entender, incluida la participación de padres y familiares con dominio limitado del inglés, padres y familiares con discapacidades y padres y familiares de niños migratorios. 


7. El Distrito llevará a cabo una evaluación anual mediante encuesta escrita, encuesta telefónica o en persona, del contenido y la efectividad de la Política de participación de padres y familiares del Título I y sus elementos de procedimiento. El Distrito utilizará la encuesta para guiar la implementación del programa Título (I), para determinar si se están satisfaciendo las necesidades y reducir las barreras a la participación. 


Legal Reference:         Neb.Statute 79-530 to 533 

                                    (esto es para SE)

                                    Ley Cada Estudiante Triunfa (ESSA) Sección 1116[a-f]

Guía de NDE– Revisado: 01/11/2024

9110.2 Request for Exception/Exclusion Form

 Grand Island Public Schools

Request for Exception/Exclusion from Activities or Curriculum


.2–Request for Activities Exclusion







What do you object to regarding instruction, materials, testing, curriculum, textbooks, surveys or other school experiences and activities? Please be specific.






Why do you find this objectionable?







What suggestions do you have to resolve the issue that might be satisfactory to you and the school district?







Parent/Guardian Signature                                                      Date

9110.2 Formulario de Solicitud de Excepción/Exclusión

Escuelas Públicas de Grand Island

Solicitud de Excepción/Exclusión de Actividades o Currículo





¿A qué se opone con respecto a la instrucción, los materiales, las pruebas, el plan de estudios, los libros de texto, las encuestas u otras experiencias y actividades escolares? Por favor sea especifico.





¿Por qué lo encuentras desagradable?





¿Qué sugerencias tiene para resolver el problema que podrían ser satisfactorias para usted y el distrito escolar?





Firma del Padre/Tutor                                                                Fecha



Policy References:

Nebraska 79-530 to 79-533 Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015, P.L. 114-95 § (20 U.S.C. 6301) Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA), (20 U.S.C. §1232 J; 34 CFR Part 99). Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232h, 34 CFR Part 98) Title 92, NAC, Chapter 10 9110.1 Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Section 1116[a-f] 9110.2 Request for Exception/Exclusion Form – attached to this policy