
  • Academy of Technical Sciences logo  

    The Academy of Technical Sciences offers pathways in Automotive and Diesel, Construction, and Manufacturing. 

    All pathways offer dual credit courses for juniors and seniors through Central Community College. Students in this academy have the opportunity to earn many industry certifications, including certifications in National Institute for Metalworking Skills (NIMS), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), and Snap-on multimeters. The Academy of Technical Sciences also boasts many partnerships with community businesses to provide students with work-based learning opportunities through the US Department of Labor Registered Apprenticeships, internships, and job shadowing opportunities.

    The pathways in the Academy of Technical Sciences are: 

    • Automotive and Diesel
    • Construction
    • Manufacturing

    - D.W. Holley, Academy Principal  

D.W. Holley headshot