Shoemaker Elementary

Every Student, Every Day, A Success!

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  • Shoemaker families,

    We are due to receive our Fall pictures between 12-3:00PM today.  Pictures will be sent home for you to view today if they are received in time and no later than tomorrow as of now.  

    We have rescheduled our picture retake day for Monday, October 7th at 8:00AM.  After viewing pictures, please contact Mrs. Wagner in the office if you would like your child to receive a retake picture on Monday.  Please call the office to let Mrs. Wagner know of your picture retake request or you can email her at  Please do your best to notify her no later than early Monday morning prior to school starting.  

    If you have questions, please call the school and thanks again for your patience.  

    Educationally Yours,

    Mr. Wolfe


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