High School Success

      Success Academy 9-12 Overview

      • Success Academy 9th-12 Programing

        • In the building:

          • Morning session 8:05 am to 11:05am (38 student spots)

          • Afternoon session 11:45am to 2:45pm ( 38 student spots)

        • Focus of programming is on supporting students to prepare for graduation, college, and/or career

        • Dual Placement at GISH, as possible


        9th-11th Entrance Criteria:

          • Emergency placement for multiple self-harm

          • Symptoms of Mental Health

          • Anxiety related to current educational setting

          • Parenting/Family Issues

          • Habitual Truancy

          • At risk of dropping out due to (in combination) attendance, SEL, challenging life issues

      Selection Process

      • Students are referred to the Transition Screening Committee that includes: Social Worker, MS Administrator GISH Administrator, Counselor, Success Academy Administrator and a Central Office Representative.

        The Transition team meets weekly to determine the appropriate placement for referred students using information from the Success Academy Referral Review Form.

        Students that meet the established criteria are recommended to Success Academy in one of the following categories:

        • Credit deficient and at risk of dropping out
        • Alternative Learner: transitioning from another alternative education program, and at risk of dropping out due to current learning environment, attendance, social/emotional, or behavioral issues, challenging life issues, substance abuse, traumatic events, or teen pregnancy.

      Program Components

      • Success Academy's expectations are:

        • To provide an opportunity for every student to obtain academic credit in an alternative learning environment
        • To provide each student career exploration activities and/or vocational work experience
        • To provide learning experiences with extended teacher and peer supports that enable students to graduate with their individual cohort
        • To provide learning experiences that enable students to be successful in post secondary learning and work environments
        • To provide relative autonomy from standard district operating procedures as approved by the superintendent

        The Success Academy's culture provides a safe environment that is structured with behavioral expectations that are clear to students and staff. Our emphasis is placed on the creation of a highly structured environment with opportunities for positive reinforcement rather than punitive behavior management.

        In order to develop a framework for interaction the SUCCESS ACADEMY program has adopted the following basic rules:

        • Be Safe
        • Be Responsible
        • Be Respectful

      Exit Criteria

      • Students are supported in the Success Academy program for their length of time needed to make a successful transition to post secondary education, career, or return to the school of origin.

        When a student wants to return to his or her school of origin full time the process includes:

        • The student requests to return to his or her original school.
        • The Success Academy staff meets with student and parent or guardian explain transition process.
        • Success Academy Administrator sets meeting with the school of origin Counselor and Principal about the returning student
        • Once the decision has been approved for return to original school, an individualized support team is put in place to for the student to support a successful transition.