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2023-24 School Year Kick-Off - Message from Mr. Fisher
August 16, 2023
"Grand Island Public Schools is excited to welcome students for the beginning of the 2023-24 school year.
Staff members have been working through the past several months to make sure our buildings have been thoroughly cleaned, and in a number of cases updated and improved.
Building leaders worked during the summer to update plans for how each building will operate to ensure a great learning experience for the students who attend there.
Teachers and other support staff have been in the buildings setting up classrooms and making sure they have the equipment and supplies they need to get the year started.
This week we get to add in that final, most critical ingredient, students. Now that the preparations are done, let the excitement begin.
With our younger students there is no questioning the level of excitement. Kids can’t wait to start school. Staff members feed off the excitement of the students. There is electricity in the air that touches everything. This new and exciting rush of energy should carry students and staff through those first few days of school until they get to a weekend and can crash. When next week rolls around, the excitement will still remain but the energy will drop to a little more sustainable level. The next thing you know, routines will be in place, students and staff will become accustomed to that routine and the year will be off and flying by.
As students become older their outward excitement level for the first day of school diminishes. It’s just not as accepted in their social circles to be excited about school. Don’t let this show of indifference fool you. They are still excited that school is starting up. They would never admit it, but they look forward to getting back into a routine. Having structure and order in our lives is a real comfort to most people. This is true for small children, adolescents, and adults. So regardless how much pre–teens and teens might complain about school, most of them would not want to be anywhere else. So, starting a new year is exciting for them as well.
So, as students, parents, and school personnel begin the journey through another school year, let's pull together to get the most out of this time. Most students get only one time to grow their way through each grade in elementary school, only one opportunity to experience middle school, and only one chance to find their way through high school. As the adults in their lives, we have an obligation to make sure each year of their education is the best it can possibly be.
Let’s make the 2023-24 school year awesome!"
- Mr. Matt Fisher, GIPS Interim Superintendent